General Sports Worldwide


Team Mergers & Acquisition

We identify and assess market opportunities, lead on introductions, transaction negotiations and completion services and, importantly, advise owners how to maximize return-on-investment post acquisition.

Our Services

Team Mergers & Acquisition

Our M&A division specializes in marrying buyers and sellers of professional sports teams and advising our clients in all aspects of the sale and purchase process.

Team mergers and acquisitions

What we do

Team mergers and acquisitions

What we do

Buy-side advisory

Working with both individual and groups of investors through every moment of the process. From identifying purchase opportunities, advising on the quality of the proposition, club viewing and introduction services.

Sell-side advisory

Working on behalf of team owners we can offer valuation services and open the purchase opportunity to our network of investors whether that’s for a majority or minority shareholding.


With our first hand experience in completing sports team M&A transactions we know what is needed to get these deals closed. We lead our clients to a deal that is right for them.


With our broad portfolio of services we can support and see the transaction through to success by leveraging our team who have successfully managed and run the day-to-day operations of premier sports teams.

Buy-side advisory

Working with both individual and groups of investors through every moment of the process. From identifying purchase opportunities, advising on the quality of the proposition, club viewing and introduction services.

Sell-side advisory

Working on behalf of team owners we can offer valuation services and open the purchase opportunity to our network of investors whether that’s for a majority or minority shareholding.


With our first hand experience in completing sports team M&A transactions we know what is needed to get these deals closed. We lead our clients to a deal that is right for them.


With our broad portfolio of services we can support and see the transaction through to success by leveraging our team who have successfully managed and run the day-to-day operations of premier sports teams.

who we are

Our People

Andy Appleby

Andy Appleby

Founder & Chairman

Jez Moxey

Jez Moxey

Head of Sport Team Mergers & Acquisitions

General Sports worldwide

The key isn't in the will to win..everybody has that. it is the will to prepare to win that is important. - Bobby Knight